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Other Surgeries

Other services offered at Khush Eye Hospital are :
• Antiglaucoma surgery (AGS) - Glaucoma is a term for a diverse group of eye diseases, all of which involve progressive damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is usually, but not always, accompanied by high intraocular (internal) fluid pressure. Optic nerve damage produces certain characteristic defects in the individual’s peripheral (side) vision or visual field. Antiglaucoma Surgery involves either laser treatment or making a cut in the eye to reduce the intraocular pressure. This type of surgery will depend on the type and severity of your glaucoma and the general health of your eye.

• Laser DCR (Dacrocystorhinostomy) - Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) consists of creating a lacrimal drainage pathway to the nasal cavity to restore permanent drainage of the previously obstructed excreting system, through an opening normally made at the level of the lacrimal bone.

Squint surgery - Squint is misalignment of the eyes such that the right and left eyes are pointed in different directions. Surgery is done under general anesthesia in children and under local anesthesia in cooperating adults. Treatment does not stop with surgery. Glasses may have to be continued to maintain clarity of vision. Patching therapy may be needed to be continued for some time after the surgery.

• Oculoplastic surgery - Oculoplastics deals with disease and surgery of the structures around the eye. This may include the eyelids ,the eyebrows, the lacrimal or tear system and the tissues behind the eye, known as the orbit. These structures are critical for vision. Injuries, congenital defects, aging changes and tumors affecting the eyelids as well as the tissues and bones surrounding the eyes can cause pain, eye damage, vision loss and disfigurement.

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